General note:

This book focuses on mitigating AI and BCI risks mainly in medium and long-term perspective (10-30 years). Starting in December 2021, author's commitment has oriented on short-term perspective (up to 10 years), to ensure that AI potential will be available evenly in society (see: Third Way for AI Development).


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Book description:

We are entering the age of AI. If it is to continue to be the time of humans, it should also be the age of BCI. If it is to be the time of whole, free humanity, we must ensure that both these technologies are implemented safely and with social equity.

In the face of accelerating, uncertain global changes, emerging Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology and implants, such as those being developed by Neuralink company, can help overcome the most pressing problems of current times. However, BCI also may become a severe threat and, along with Artificial Intelligence (AI), be one of humanity’s last inventions.

Technological progress is affecting the lives of everyone on our planet more and more every year. A new arms race between global powers is unfolding in our eyes, potentially leading to the rising of many risky technologies. It can give unimaginable advantages to the entity that is quickest to exploit its potential. In this race for dominance, safety may be in the background. Will we be able to manage the development of increasingly powerful technologies thoughtfully?

This book outlines a spectrum of problems, challenges, opportunities, and paths we can take in the coming years, given the enormous potential of emerging BCI technology. The next few decades may be critical concerning the continuation of human life in the long perspective. It is essential to be focused during this time to avoid making irreversible mistakes.